The Souq

Coming to the World Cup here in Qatar with the opportunities to go see games daily seemed like a great idea when booking up everything and I’m sure most will agree with me that it’s amazing but it’s physically draining . I honestly don’t know how Lee Kormish can do it as he is aiming to set a world record by going to 41 matches which will smash the previous record set in South Africa which is 31 and the current record holder won a prize to get those games , Lee is paying out of pocket !

Last night we had some good times after the Canada game over at Street 22 bar which is a dive bar which we have not had any issues getting into , so it’s our go to when all else fails . Woke up a bit later and we took our sweet time getting to the South Korea vs. Ghana match which was at Education City which is cold 🥶 the a/c shoots out of the blocks below seats so at your legs and your back from the tow above and everyone is freezing . Good thing this game is entertaining or we would have left early …. We did leave early before the half to warm up on the concourse and met our buddy Todd Brandt who looked like a popsicle when we met up with him . At the half the game was 2-0 for Ghana .

After the half South Korea got back into the game and we were lucky to have all 4 goals scored at our end and the crowd was electric as we had a lot of South Koreans in our section but this is sports and there are highs and lows and before the game would end Ghana would jump ahead and stay ahead for the remainder of the match winning the match 3-2 . It was a good game .

We had not yet visited the souq and I am on the hunt for a flag patch for my bag . That was like looking for a needle in a haystack there as there are so many shops selling the same shit but only one shop had patches . I did eventually buy one after wandering around to see if I could find a better one but this will have to do . It’s not for my stick bag as there won’t be one there since I am not going to be playing hockey here . To this day the manager has not responded to my email and I will write something in the future and send it to the owner of the rink if I can track down who owns it but that’s another rant …. We grabbed some trinkets to take home and on the way out we grabbed a slush drink which was not even cold . The bastards running it also scammed Kathleen charging her 50 rial for the two drinks which is about $20 so if you’re visiting the souq avoid these scam artists …. They are at the beginning of the souq ! If I go back I will take a photo of them . Just avoid these guys !!! Always ask before you purchase anything .

The souq was fun but too many tourist pylons blocking roads taking pictures and videos of the most ridiculous shit . At one point we had to push our way through a crowd of people filming a couple dancing ? As if nobody has seen anyone else dance before and they were just slow dancing … nothing special , not break dancing or anything . Sometimes tourists can be so annoying so we got out of dodge and made our way back to our fan village where we gladly called it a night . As the days go by we are getting more and more tired and I am looking forward to some relaxing time around the pool when we go to Bahrain where I will be playing some hockey . I need my fix 😜



