Belfast - This Way

Man oh man was that a long day yesterday . Thursday I woke up and started packing and organizing my bags around 6 am , didn’t get to the airport until 3 pm then flew to Frankfurt had a 6 hour layover waiting for my flight to Belfast which is not a direct flight from Toronto unfortunately and then arrived in Belfast on Friday around 4 pm . This happened all without any sleep at all so roughly 29-30 hours without sleep and when I got to my room I took a one hour nap waiting for Andi to arrive .

You can only imagine how wiped out and the city is lively and there is a giant patio right in front of the hotel so my quick nap was filled with visions of nice cold beer in the sun …. Then I thought maybe I should go down and wait for Andi there ? So I did …. Grabbed a pint and all the tables were in use so I approached a couple fellas and asked if I could join and they let me join their table and they ended up being really nice . Gary and Ally were a couple app developers who have made apps like the Game of Thrones Film Location app here that is used by many tourists to go see the sites where the show was filmed which is pretty cool . That first pint went down so smooth then Gary offered me a pint and I lost track of everything while we were in conversation….. stopped for a moment to look at my phone and Andi messaged me saying to have a beer waiting for him . I looked up and there he was 😃

The two fellas had to go home as they just popped in for a pint after work but gave me some great ideas of places to eat and drink . So the next stop on the bar hopping was The Crown pub which is a beautiful pub with stained glass windows and amazing wood work with these fancy little booths all over . It was very busy so we only had a couple then decided to get to the next bar which was called Robinson’s which is around the corner . We grabbed a couple pints in there then headed out to the back room which has a patio and that place is called Fibber Magee . Now I’m not entirely sure but all these pubs have doors connecting each other but I don’t know if they are in fact the same establishment or not . Regardless all were good fun and we ended up listening to a live band drinking whiskey . For some reason the sun seemed to stay up later then what I’m used to so the night didn’t seem too long but in fact it’s later then I thought it was ?

We had one more suggestion to go eat pizza at this pizza joint called Little Italy . Now by the time I got there I was pretty inebriated from the drinks and lack of sleep but the rule of thumb when trying to defeat jet lag is to land and stay up late so that’s what I did .

Now I don’t remember what time I got to bed or what happened when I got to the room but Andi says I put the TV on jumped on the bed and instantly passed right out . In the morning I had to piece everything together and either I crashed around 12 or 1 am …. I think it wad 1 based on my Fitbit saying that but Andi seems to think it was earlier . Regardless we had a really fun night out . So happy to be here !


Country #50 Northern Ireland


The Quest for #50