I’m Back

It’s been a while since I’ve travelled alone to go play hockey overseas . My last hockey trips were with the wife and as of now I still have yet to leave toronto with another person planning to play hockey .

Isn’t that insane ? I’ve been doing this for years and I’ve played in 45 countries and not once have I left Toronto with another hockey player that lives in Toronto or in Canada . Yes I have travelled with Timo from Toronto for my trip to South America ten years ago but he lives in Germany and was at the tournament I used to host called the Ghetto Classic . That tournament no longer exists .

One of the most asked questions is what team I’m travelling with and it’s always the same answer …. I’m not travelling with a team . I’m possibly travelling to meet a team or join a team but never have I left Toronto with a team let alone with another person from Toronto . Don’t get me wrong many have expressed interest and many have made excuses not to join and at this point I couldn’t be bothered if anyone wants to come or not because they never do and always have an excuse not to . Why do people do that ? Why do people say they want to do something then spend more time finding an excuse not to go rather then making an effort to follow their dreams ?

There is honestly no better way to travel then to go do something you love . I don’t know a single person I’m going to meet over the next two weeks to play hockey but I know I will make new friends because we all have this common love called hockey .

Someday I hope to break this trend but it will take a pretty convincing person to actually make me believe they will join . Talk is cheap and these trips are far from cheap so if you have the urge to tell me you want to come then please don’t expect me to put my trip on hold . When I say I’m going I just go and if I had ever waited I wouldn’t be going to play in my 46th country .

This was written not to shame anyone but more to make you the reader want to do something you probably have said you wanted to do . Life is truly short , make the most of it and do what you love and see the world . If not you may regret it .


Country #46


Loafing Around the Pool