FIFA World Cup

Its been such an emotional time for me , seeing Canada at the World Cup and being around so many people from around the world all having fun while connecting with people I had met online months ago . Its something anyone that loves sports should experience.

This was my second ever World Cup match and it was South Korea vs Uruguay which was a good match . The stadium was Education City and it’s one train stop away from where I am staying . We slept in a bit then headed out to the match where we had our first experience riding the metro here which is free with our Hayya cards . The trains are clean with no food or drink allowed so there is no litter and nobody taking up seats with their bags or anything . Kinda wish the TTC back home would adopt these rules so it wouldn’t be so disgusting, but wouldn’t want to hurt any of the snowflakes with their rights and bullshit hahaha !

The stadium is air conditioned and maybe a bit too much ! The air comes out from under your seat and blows on your legs and if nobody is sitting behind you it blows on your back also . We were cold 🥶 like really cold ! Thankfully we were sitting beside another couple and the lovely lady offered Kathleen her jacket to keep warm . For the most part people visiting are being very friendly to each other . Its very genuine and heart warming to see people helping each other .

The game kicked off and it was a really good game but it was lacking one thing …. Goals ! Got to see some superstars like Son , Suarez , Cavani to name a few . Only the best make their national teams and this tournament is littered with the who’s who of the sport . I am a fan, so its quite the treat for me . At halftime we had to go to the concourse to wander around and warm up . We bumped into the couple sitting beside us trying to do the same and started chatting and security came over to tell us to move as we were blocking the aisle which we weren’t really . Just 10 feet away though there was a bunch of people on their hands and knees praying and they were definitely blocking the way but somehow that’s ok 👌. I have nothing against anyones religions but these rules shouldn’t have asterisks for some and not others . That’s my two cents

We went back to our seats and watched the remainder of the game and decided to leave in the 85th minute to beat the crowds as we were heading to the Al Bidda park Fan Fest to meet my Maltese friend Cory Greenland . The game ended in a 0-0 draw and it was a good game but I wanna see goals .

We took the train to another train then on a bus then a 15 minute walk then another bus and another walk and we were finally in a massive lineup to clear security . Does this sound painful ? Because it sure as heck was ! Especially when you’re trying to get somewhere to meet someone that had to leave for a game … this might be my only chance to meet Cory which I hope is not true but I gotta give it my all to get there .

Finally we got in and went straight into the FIFA store to check out Canada stuff but alas there was next to nothing and that’s by fault of the CSA who obviously dropped the ball . I know some people believe we are so popular but that is so far fetched that it’s insane . Do you think Brazil and England merchandise would be available and Canada stuff sold out ? Nah you gotta be mad high to even question that 😂 anyways some delusional fans would but they are so so wrong . Canada Soccer has treated the players badly , the fans with no respect and totally bullshitted us all the way ! Why didn’t we get a jersey for the World Cup ? Why did I pay for a membership that got me in to exclusive events yet they want us to pay $250 to go to Canada House and when is my gift from that same membership I bought in April going to show up ? Yeah I’m not a fan of Canada Soccer .

Definitely needed a beer and that was the next area I stepped into as we met Cory . Beers were not remotely cheap but most of us from Toronto are used to these prices if you go to any concerts or sporting events there …. Roughly $20 a pint . It did the trick though and I definitely had a good buzz . It was so great to meet Cory and his friend Mark and it was also nice to hear people talking Maltese . I think I need to visit my family this year .

Once they left we hung around and met some Moroccan supporters and another couple and just spoke to a whole bunch of friendly people . We decided not to stay too long as the transit back to our room was over an hour and we were tired of the overcrowded space and the loud annoying DJ . I’m too old for this shit .

On the ride back I found out Borje Salming had passed away and I cried hard . Like a baby whimpering and all :( I grew up and played at the same rink as Borje’s son Anders and used to see him at Lambton Arena all the time . He was such a great guy and he was a phenomenal hockey player , definitely one of my first favourite Leafs . He came back to Toronto last week for a vert emotional tribute as he had been diagnosed with ALS recently and it really had a harsh effect on him . It was hard to see Daryl Sittler who was his team mate crying when this tribute occurred and its was just too much for me to know he was gone now . I cried a lot … and I am not ashamed of that . He was one of my hero’s and im sure he was a hero to most of the kids I grew up with in Toronto . We love you Borje , Rest In Peace .

When we got back to the room I continued to cry … I still feel emotional about this as I write this . Then I went to sleep wiping the tears away . Emotions are very high here but I need to turn the frown upside down tomorrow and keep on enjoying life because you never know what tomorrow will bring you .


Beer in Qatar


My First World Cup