Last night in Sarajevo

Yesterday was laundry day . When you travel with a giant goalie bag you have to travel light in other departments. Basically bring enough clothes to get by for a week and stretch out your wardrobe as much as you can and try to book hotels with laundry facilities if possible . Sometimes you have to take advantage of these facilities even if you haven’t gone through all your clothes . I’m not sure if the place I’m staying at in Mostar has a laundry facility and currently I don’t even know where I’m staying in Zagreb so I better take advantage of the facilities here in Sarajevo .

It was a really nice day out so I went for a wander after my laundry was done . Had to get some tourist stuff to bring home and I knew exactly where to go . On my route I planned out the rest of my day . I had to go have some burek or is it spelled borek ? Anyways this is a pastry filled with meat and or cheese and is delicious and at the same time a bit greasy . Regardless it’s delicious and I’ve been told to go to this place called Sac. After wandering back and forth all day I finally went there and wow it was amazing .

I’m gonna keep todays post short and sweet because frankly I’m pretty hungover and probably still a bit inebriated after last nights good time which ended a few hours ago . After dinner I went to the Celtic pub and had a few beers and watched some champions league on the tv there with fellow Aston Villa supporters who are now starting to flow into the city on their route to Mostar for the European match . The night started there and ended at the City Pub which was a really good time .

Both pubs were a lot of fun and I’m not sure how many beers I had but let’s just say I probably should get some hair of the dog to carry on for the rest of todays adventure . We all had a great time and I made a bunch of new friends . Standard night out on the piss . Ended my night in a kebab shop so I could grease up my guts and crashed after harassing my wife online hahaha . Don’t laugh because you know you’d do the same …. Wouldn’t ya ?


Bus Trip to Mostar


Last Dance in Sarajevo