New Years Eve

Kathleen has been sick for a few days and we are all thinking we are immune to her illness but on the morning of December 31 both myself and Stefan woke up feeling like crap so I guess we are not immune :( thanks Kathleen !

Stefan spent the morning preparing meals for us all to enjoy that evening and we lounged for the better part of the day . It was very chill and much needed rest from the go go go atmosphere we’ve lived the last few days . Stefan’s brother Martin popped in and then went out to get me a bottle of Slovakian whiskey nobody had ever heard of after we mentioned that I’m hunting for a bottle of Johnnie and can’t find it . They thought there was no Slovakian whiskey and I looked it up and next thing you know it’s in my hand . Thank you Martin that was really a nice gift .

Stefan and Martina took us to their office and we enjoyed their massage chairs for a bit and they showed us their work which is helping people with special needs feel comfortable . It’s really nice that they do this work and it must be tough to do at the same time . I really get sad thinking how some people don’t have what we have in life and feel compelled to do something but sometimes it’s the little things like sending gifts that make someone feel good even if it’s for a moment . What they do is more then just a moment !

New Years Eve was quiet with Stefan , Martina , Kathleen and myself sitting around a table watching the music video countdown which had some music we’ve never heard of since it is Europe after all while Ninka played fortnight in her room . We got on the topic of ghosts ….. that’s where it got a bit spooky .

So the house we are staying in has a cemetery right out back and the room we are in is closest to it . From what we were told the house was built on part of this cemetery and when they dug up the pool they did find headstones in the ground ! Kristina and Ivan stayed here house sitting once and didn’t last the night apparently and won’t stay here again ? Same with Martin , apparently he’s spooked also . What did they see or experience here ?

The night of December 30 Kathleen and myself woke up and there was this light on in the room which we both wondered if the other had turned on. We didn’t and we asked if anyone else did after we heard of the stories and Martina said nobody goes in this room . Ok ! Apparently some of the paranormal activities they had experienced were sounds of someone walking in the house , lights going on , garage door being opened . Nothing too major but the last owner of the house sold the place because she got spooked also .

We got onto the topic when we told them we have purposely stayed in haunted places on our travels . I’m guessing they didn’t want to tell us about this thinking we would get spooked and leave but it’s the opposite . I could use a good scare :)

So New Years Eve approached and we head outside to light off some fireworks and watched neighbours with theirs and I recorded a couple videos and when I watched them there was an orb floating around in two of the videos . When I saw them I showed Martina and Stefan and they thought it was probably from all the loud noise . They have cameras around the house and one in the back pointed towards the cemetery . That live feed had lights in it and shadows moving , I’m not joking . Something was definitely up .

We stayed up until around 1 am talking about what’s going on then called it a night . Was this all power of suggestion or is it real ? I don’t know but now I want to explore this derelict cemetery . It’s too bad I can’t post the video on here but if you want to see it look on my Facebook page and you will find it .

Happy New Year 🥳


The Quest for #50


Day trip to Bratislava