Quiet Christmas

Going anywhere or planning to do anything in England on Christmas Day or Boxing Day is just not happening if you ever plan to go over with visions of grandeur . Transit , trains , bus’ are not running so unless you want to fork out some serious dough to go anywhere then plan to do nothing .

Honestly both myself and Kathleen are enjoying this fact because we are a bit beat up from travelling . This is my second day in 3 weeks that I could just lay around and do sweet f$&k all ! We didn’t hide in the room all day as we did plan to get some pizza and pasta and habe a feast so we spent a lot of the day looking around on google to see what places are open . Thankfully our hotel still out out a nice breakfast spread which has been excellent . Bacon , eggs , sausages , hash browns , cereal , bagels …. You name it ! Brilliant , let’s pig out .

Who knows what or where our next meal will be . We chilled out watched a couple flicks and hung out , stayed sober for the day as I’m still feeling rough from the night before and the day after should be a doozy also since it’s an away day with my Villa mates .

We staved off eating after our very filling breakfast until around 4 pm and found an Italian joint that was opened so after calling we walked over . Now this is the ridiculous part , this place wanted £80 each for a price fixed meal ?!?!?! They didn’t mention that on the phone , the guy tried to justify it to us by saying they don’t want people coming in to pay less to eat ? Does this make any sense …. So the only people wandering around are homeless or tourists yet this establishment charges extortionate rates to justify opening and they don’t want the rich people wasting money to see us spending less to eat ? Wtf ? Yeah I’m not buying that and I’m sure the pizza and pasta meals wouldn’t have been cheap either but ok we aren’t interested in your shitty price fixed meals with your garbage food . Sod off !

So here we are in Birmingham city Center . Nothing is open aside from a German Doner Kebab joint that is super busy with delivery guys pulling up every second . Is that what I want for Christmas dinner …. Not really . So we went for a hike and nothing else was open . Nothing at all . It’s madness but I get it yet I don’t get it . Alright we are having a kebab Christmas dinner then . To be fair it wasn’t bad at all but the packaging was a tad over the top with so many boxes for the meals we bought . Just for the fact they were open I give them props but I did feel bad for the one person manning the counter alone with so many people hounding him . Overall I would go back again if I’m ever in Birmingham just because they did me a solid by being open . If we had known it would be so difficult to get food we would have organized something else in advance but these are lessons learned as I learned about the transit when I went to my aunties for Christmas years back and spent £100 on taxis !

It was pretty weird seeing the streets so quiet and being able to get a selfie with the Birmingham bull with nobody in the background but it was kinda expected . The streets are filled with homeless people begging and it’s about time we just get to our room and call it a night after eating our Christmas kebab . Not too sure I would go back for Christmas again or if I did I probably would sort something else out . Who knows what tomorrow holds so I shouldn’t even speculate . Aside from the very minor drama which seems deeper then it is we had a very Merry Christmas ! It’s something I wouldn’t have even mentioned if anything else happened but it was a very quiet Christmas in Birmingham


Aston Villa Boxing Day


Christmas Eve in Birmingham