The Last few days

I’ve been really feeling rough the last few days as all this travel/celebrating stuff has worn me down and I’m not quite the spring chicken I used to be . Up to now I’ve been enjoying myself a lot and waking up the next day without any consequences but Friday did me in .

Met up with a few friends for pints at BrewDog then my hockey buddies came out and shit got crazy . Or maybe I’m just crazy but we had a good night out . Started at Bonehead eating some pre drinking food which I was already drinking before so not much for pre drinking . We then head to Flight Club to play darts and that was ridiculous fun and I’d highly suggest if you’re ever able to go to one of their locations . I will definitely go again . Things get blurry after that …. I remember being in a dance club and some pub and then walking back to the room around 4 am .

Next morning I was supposed to go see my cousins out In Chelmsley Wood but I couldn’t bring myself to drag my ass to the bus and I wasn’t interested in spending $100 to get over to theirs by Uber so I bailed . Yeah it sucks but originally seeing family wasn’t part of this trip and I tried to squeeze it in . Sometimes it’s best to know your limits and I think I reached mine . Saturday was a total write off …..

Stayed under the covers until 6 pm then went to find Andi who was already a few glasses of wine into his night and we had a reservation at Turtle Bay for some Caribbean food . Made it to that and got a good feeding in but then crawled back into my closet for a hotel room and that was Saturday . Seems like a day wasted but really I’m preserving energy for the Villa match in London which will be another day on it !

Sunday morning we met Reece got some breakfast at Briar Rose and then headed back to grab bags to head over to Becketts Farm to meet our bus to London with our friends the Kidderminster Lions . We got there early and met up with Scott who I met years ago . Always nice to see a familiar face !

Last game of the year is fancy dress so a lot of fans get dressed in costume to celebrate the season and us Villa supporters have a lot to celebrate as we have clinched a spot in the champions league next year which has everyone super excited . We had quite a few beers on the bus ride and when we arrived we all piled into Selhurst park and started singing constantly. Too bad our squad is really depleted and the guys are just tired and we got our ass’ kicked but we the fans weren’t too fussed and just kept singing . Palace supporters seemed confused as we even cheered their goals 😝

Game ended and we piled back into the bus where both of our hockey bags are and we thought we would be dropped off at a service station somewhere near Heathrow but instead we were dropped off on the side of the motorway ???? That probably wasn’t very safe at all was it ? We had to walk through a roundabout and cars were whipping by us as we walked on the road ! There were no sidewalks , insane .

Could you imagine coming round and seeing two guys dragging these massive bags in the middle of the motorway ? I’m glad we didn’t get run over and I am still not sure what the driver was told or why he thought that was safe . He said he couldn’t drive into the airport but we weren’t going there at all so I’m guessing there was some communication issues . Oh well we made it to the Ibis Hotel which just happened to be the nicest hotel of our trip . Go figure eh :) there is a nice bar and restaurant in the premises so we grabbed a bite to eat and fell asleep early as we both have to fly in the morning . Andi has his flight at 6:30 am and mine is at 8:30 am .

That brings me to right now . I’m sitting at Heathrow wasting time as my flight is delayed and i’m really looking forward to seeing my wife and crawling into my own bed . Tomorrow reality kicks back in as im back to work earning a wage to pay for the next trip which is in June to support Canada at the Copa America tournament in the USA . That should be another fun filled trip so until then I’m taking a hiatus from enjoying beer and getting back on the treadmill and hitting the weights . Detox to retox :)

Hope you’ve enjoyed my stories and if you’re ever looking for a fun time don’t think twice about going on holiday to see the world . It’s a big place with a lot of fun things to do .


Watching Hockey Sucks