
Before I begin this post I must say how nice it is to be here with someone although unexpectedly that I know already from a previous trip . Oliver was the first person to contact me and wanted to go grab a bite to eat . I thought I was playing hockey today but that might change . It truly is the Balkan way ! So I suggested I could use some pasta so we went to this place in the city Center called Boban and it was excellent ! Both of us had lasagna and we got there just before the mad rush so we got served promptly . I had a cola with my meal as I was trying to stay ready for hockey and I prefer not to drink before I play as I don’t eat red meat on game days because it gives me a sore stomach while playing and has made me sick on the ice before like when I was in Transylvania

We then walked to Duje Strukan which is the football stadium where NK Lokomotiva plays and they have a game vs. NK Istra 1961 . We grabbed our tickets which were €10 each and wandered around the small stadium which has no fan shop and has two different bars to grab drinks and food at … again I grabbed a cola as I was expecting to play hockey this evening . The game itself was very sloppy , the pitch looked like a frozen tundra with two big mud patches in the goalies areas . Passes were bouncing and it looked like it was difficult to judge what would happen with every kick . The referees let the game get rough and it was entertaining enough to withstand up until the 60th minute . That was when I found out I’m not playing today but I’m now playing tomorrow which was the plan when I was planning this before booking my trip . So now I can’t go to the big derby match so I’m happy I caught this match today and I can now also have a pint or two and my diet can change so beers and steak it is !

We found a pub around the corner and went to watch some EPL footie there with the hopes it was not full of smokers or disruptive people that won’t let us watch the game . I think it was called Shamrocks Irish Pub and it was actually perfect . There was one person there watching the game already so we joined him and enjoyed a few beers while actually watching the game with no distractions . When he left a couple came in and joined us also and chatted about hockey . We were enjoying ourselves and decided let’s go have a nice dinner and some drinks .

We decided to take transit and what a nightmare that is ! You get on a tram that’s going to a posted location then it switched direction , so we got off to jump on another tram to go in opposite direction and it switches direction …. We did this one more time and it happened again ! So we walked . We were going to the place called American Steak and Grillhouse and I have never in my life been treated like a piece of shit by a restaurant in my life . When we opened the door the server rushed over and immediately said we have no seats for you ? The place was more then half empty and it was 9 pm with it slated to close at 11 pm . I kindly asked if they could squeeze me in and they said no and we should have made a reservation . On their website there is no mention or way to make a reservation so I mentioned this and the bald server said there is a phone number and we should have called yesterday . I again mentioned the restaurant is almost empty and he said it’s reserved for a party of 50 . Yeah ok you close in 2 hours and you’re seating 50 ? Thanks for lying , why don’t you just say we don’t suit your establishment and you’re a high nosed prick . Don’t ever bother going there if you don’t want to be pegged as not good enough to eat there . This person is a piece of human garbage . End of story .

We then went for Chinese food which hit the spot but both of us were left fuming over the treatment we received at the previous establishment . I was no longer in any mood to deal with shitty people and today we have met our fair share of them . They are definitely not giving this city or country a good name and we both are not feeling very welcomed here . Let’s try this Alcatraz pub ? Had a beer too many smokers . Let’s try another pub ? Police in bathrooms patrolling ? Tons of smokers , one beer and out . Tonight turned into a slow quiet night dealing with unruly folks and very bad service . I just want to get to bed and hope things turn for the better tomorrow . Hopefully I will feel better in the morning :)


Country #47 Croatia 🇭🇷


What Are The Chances