Having a Curry

Woke up in Kidderminster at the Premier Inn , nothing fancy at all . The plan is to look around town and then get on a train back to Birmingham . We basically wandered around the shopping center in the rain and got some goodies to bring back to Canada . Kidderminster is small and I’m guessing between the shopping center and the walk to the train we have probably seen it all . I’m honestly surprised that over all these years I’ve never stayed there .

We got back to the Premier Inn and basically thought why wait , let’s just leave . Didn’t even have breakfast , just grabbed a coffee and hit the road . The walk to the train was 15 minutes and when we got there the train showed up minutes after . Train ride to Moor St. is roughly an hour , nothing too exciting .

We are again staying the night at Staybridge Suites where our bags already are so when we get back we check in , get our bags and head to our room which seems bigger . Kinda wish we had this room for the rest of the week . We went down to the pizza joint in the courtyard behind the hotel and grabbed some to take back to the room and gobbled pizza then took a nap . Well I did .

Gotta rest up for the curry we are going out for this evening . Can’t wait to see Ritchie , Amy , Trick and Jukes . They are picking us up to take us out near West Brom to this place called The New Hen and Chickens Bar which is supposed to be the new great place to eat . I’ve been to the other good places in past visits like The Vine and The Red Lion but they’ve fallen out of favour since then and this is the new place to have a curry . It’s a nice place with tvs everywhere and a nicely lit bar . We had a table and there were a few other Sandwell Spartans there . That’s Ritchies roller hockey club , we discussed this new rink that might be built in Dudley and they are keen to move their club to the ice if and when that happens . Ice times are quite limited and getting to the other rinks isn’t easy . Playing at 11 pm and heading home after 1 am only to have to work the next day isn’t very appealing as most of us know .

I was really happy to see my little buddy Trick who is Amy’s nephew . He’s a good little fella who is an extraordinary little fella . We send him gifts yearly so he can show off his collectibles to his mates . He was in good spirits and we had a nice little chat but didn’t get to talk too much with all the hockey talk going around the table . I’m just glad he was happy to see me again :)

This was my last night in England so it was fitting that I finally had a curry and got to see these guys . After we finished our meal which was fantastic and I would highly suggest visiting this establishment but make a booking first as it was quite busy . Jukes offered us a ride back into Brum instead of us taking a train or Uber which we did contemplate . It was great catching up with him also especially as we had the time to do so while driving , it’s nice to see people in a group setting but taking someone aside to have a chat seems much more personal so I can appreciate the moment a little more .

Alas this night was not a late one as we fly in the afternoon so when we got into our room we were pleased it didn’t go late and we didn’t drink too much . Thanks to everyone we hung out with , it was great seeing you all and good luck with your new recruit …. Hope he doesn’t make too much of a fuss for you all 😜


Travelling to Slovakia


Aston Villa Boxing Day