Travelling to Slovakia

Unfortunately I did not take any photos on this travel day .Kathleen is beginning to feel sick and I’m sure I’m bound to catch whatever she is offering but I will be as resistant and stubborn as I can be to deny any illness and carry on with my hockey adventures .

We didn’t have to leave our room until around 2 pm at the Staybridge Suites in Birmingham and we received notification telling us to arrive 4 hours before departure at airport which seems crazy but we decide let’s get there 3 hours before departure . Our first flight leaves at 4:45 pm so we arrived at 1:45 pm only to find out the bag drop opens 2 hours before departure ? Can someone explain how stupid this is …. Totally ignorant ! So we stand around for an hour in line waiting for the bag drop to open then go through security and hit the lounge for a snack .

Our flight left on time which took us to Brussels but our flight kinda sucked . Did you know that Brussels Airline does not even offer water ??? You have to pay to stay hydrated on their airline . When I asked for water they gave me a bottle with a cup and immediately I was wondering wtf ? The flight attendant then handed me a card reader to charge me and I said what’s this ? He explained it is not free and the douchebag beside me said “they need to make money somehow “ I wanted to slap the taste out of his mouth for sticking up for this nonsense but instead I told him I have flown on 6 flights in the last month with multiple airlines that belong to Star Alliance and this was the first time I have not had the privilege of having a glass of fucking water . This is a basic necessity …. Needless to say this wanker shut his trap and that made the rest of the flight less comfortable when I put him in his place . Honestly don’t give these airlines the sympathy and mind your fucking business !

When we arrived in Brussels I got water for free then went to the lounge for free :) if only this knobjockey knew who he was trying to inform . Anyways they had all kinds of good stuff at the Brussels lounge and it makes you wonder how their major airline can’t handle out a glass of water . Anyways off that topic …. There were massage chairs and we needed them . We did 15 minutes and I wanted more as I saw the flight was delayed so I thought the time posted was boarding but it was actually for departure . Kathleen said let’s go and I wanted to stay , if I had stayed I would have missed that flight but instead we were one of the last people on the flight which was again with Brussels Air . All the storage compartments were closed which usually means they are full and I saw one person per row so I asked where I could put my bag and why were they all full if we are only supposed to put one bag in the compartment . The flight attendant was snobby and told me not to open bins and took my bag and strapped it in one of the business section seats ? Weird

It got weirder when we got in the air and they closed the drapes and from behind the drapes came a girl that sat in the business section alone ? Where did she come from and why are they hiding her ? They opened the above bin and put her bag there ??? What’s going on ! They also gave her a meal and water then when we were about to land they snuck her back in and hid her again . I don’t know what’s going on but it seems quite suspicious . Overall I would say avoid this airline . It’s shit , the employees are garbage humans and they are dodgy as dodgy can be .

Finally arrived in Budapest where we met our driver that took us to Hurbanovo , Slovakia . We were wiped out and only wanted to sleep . I wrote a few posts on the ride and it was very foggy and dark . The roads are not lit very well and it was really late .

We arrived safely at my friends house and were greeted by everyone who were excitedly awaiting our arrival . It was so nice to see some familiar faces . We were shown our room and soon after I was snoring the night away . It was quite the adventure getting here to say the least as flights here are not easy to plan . The reason we flew into Budapest was because the only flight we could find to Bratislava were 23 hours in transit with multiple airlines and that’s just wasting time . Stefan had offered us to fly into Budapest or Vienna and this flight to Budapest best suited our needs and didn’t eat up a full day in transit . It’s good to finally be in Slovakia . I have wanted to come here for quite some time .


Country #49 Slovakia 🇸🇰


Having a Curry