Kidderminster Harriers

Alright so I’ve fallen behind again on my blogging but it’s for good reason . Just been so crazy busy catching up with people . Coming to England is always a packed schedule and honestly I could fill a month full with activities if I came here for that long . So this happened a couple days ago .

Some of my closest friends on the planet live in this small town called Kidderminster so I’ve always kept an eye on their local football club that currently play non league football just like that Welsh team from Wrexham did up until this year . The Kidderminster Harriers currently are not doing very well and are at the bottom of the table in the National League which s the 5th tier of football in the pyramid here . I’ve always wanted to go to see them and luckily I have the opportunity to do so on this trip for the first time .

We had to wake up a bit early to catch the train to Kidderminster from Birmingham and the train was around 45 and went direct with no changes so easy peasey . There were supporters on the train enjoy a few tins of beer and having a laugh . I was still a bit bummed out from the result Villa produced and questioning the calls but we move on . When we arrive in Kiddy as the locals call it for short we went into throw a bet down on Aston Villa and then met our friends . Paul Harris , Pete Aston , Mark and Lewis Byworth . This is Marks first time out since having a medical issue so it’s good to have him out with us and great to see him doing well .

First stop was The Harriers Arms for a couple beers to lube our livers . Today Pete Aston has got us Hospitality tickets from his employer who sponsor the club . This means we have to dress smart casual and we get to hang out in the posh area behind glass with a good meal before kickoff and some snacks at half time . It also means we can drink during the game as long as we don’t go up to the window and show off our beers . That would lead to a fine to the club so we don’t want that .

This was honestly hands down the best football experience I’ve experienced hands down . We felt so special being with our friends dressed up nicely watching their local club and being treated so well . The food before kickoff was so good ! Almost licked the plate off , it was pork done Asian style with rice and veggies . During the game the beers just kept coming and at half time we had sausage rolls with a cheese board with coffee and tea . I stuck to the lager .

The game itself was quite good also with Southend United in town . They were 6 points up on the bottom dwelling locals so there is some hope as it’s a tight standings . Unfortunately I’m not very lucky for the club and they didn’t come out with the result we all wanted to see . They put their best foot forward but it just didn’t seem enough and that 6 point gap grew wider by the end of the match with Southend winning 2-1 .

I’m not much of a football writer and I’m not very familiar with the players for the club . What the real story of the day was that I got to spend a day with my good friends and chat each other’s ears off about what’s gone on in life since we last were together . It was amazing that Pete scored us these tickets , it was fantastic to see Mark in good form and his son Lewis is growing so fast and is now in the military doing well and also snuck in a round for us even though I said I would hahaha . Paul is always a good person to talk about the state of the Villa with and all in all it was just a perfect day aside from the result which most of us as Villa supporters are used to , aside from this last year which has been a mind blowing ride to say the least .

After the game we went down to The Harriers Arms again to watch the Liverpool vs Arsenal game on tv and the bar was rammed with live music and such . Didn’t get to see much of the game but we did get to have some more laughs before catching the train back to Birmingham .

The train ride was quiet with some young folks drinking on their way into party with some asshole vaping on the train . I wanted to say something or just smash his vape ! Honestly if he can do what he wants then why can’t I ? When we arrived in Birmingham we got back to our room and called it a night . The adventure continues tomorrow with some Christmas Eve antics … hohoho!


Christmas Eve in Birmingham


Up The Villa