Up The Villa

Crazy times over here in Birmingham , time is of the essence and to be honest one week isn’t enough to see everyone I want to see . I find myself saying sorry to a bunch of people especially if they don’t live in Birmingham. Really wish I could see everyone but I’d need a month here to cover all the gaps .

First things first though and that is a visit to the Aston Villa shop . I know my mate Oliver said I should order online for cheaper options but the post at this time of year won’t get it to me on time and probably not at all so when I woke up I received an email with a sale on so up I got and dressed and headed to Villa Park thinking the sale was at the shop . Unfortunately it wasn’t and was only online and I was told the same that getting it posted might not be my best bet so I spend some dough …. Don’t ask cause I went buckwild and grabbed a bunch of swag . What can I say …. This only happens when I’m over here . Ordering stuff to Canada is a massive scam with the taxes and paying fedex or whatever delivery service just isn’t worth it so while I’m here I’m taking advantage of Kathleen’s luggage space hahaha 😝

Back on the bus back to the hotel to drop our bags of Aston Villa swag and then a bit of a breather before the big game . That time flew as we were to meet my cousin Paul who came into town early to meet us . Went to Nando’s for a bite to eat so we don’t get on the beers with an empty stomach . Then had to meet Paul Harris , Ben Mitchell and his son in law Ryan and Pete Aston over at this pub I couldn’t find on my Google app . My phones SIM card here is not being so available :( shite card !

After a quick pint we headed to Purity to meet Kieron and his daughter and Paige who is Paul’s daughter and had a few beers there prior to catching the train out to Villa Park . We pushed our luck and drank to the very last second and rushed to catch our train . Missed the first one by moments then caught the next one on another track . Just got into our seats right before the light show happened which was pretty cool and would have been better if my phone worked .

This game has a lot of meaning. If we win we go top of the table for Christmas which as a Villa supporter would know how amazing that is . Not even in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought this . At kickoff we absolutely controlled the game but our opponents Sheffield United were there to stymy our offense with a defensive play and a bit of counter attack play . Villa had their chances and there were two VAR decisions that probably were not what I would agree on . Yes Ollie had his shirt pulled and yes that was a hand ball but for some reason the match officials didn’t think so for some reason . At the half it was 0-0

Went down for a beer at half time and then for a quick wee …. Bumped into Sniper in the john and headed back to my seat . At some point in the second half Villa scored and bloody VAR ruled it no goal ?!?!? Not too clear but the play was reset when they gained possession of the ball then they lost it , the fouls committed which was a foul was not on that play and in fact after the play reset so how in the heck is that a no goal . Makes you wonder if the match officials are on the take . I’m not saying they are but three crucial decisions really messed Villa about . Clearly !

Next thing you know former Villa player Cameron Archer scores around the 80th minute . It’s late and we are in real trouble and all I can think is how unlucky I am to be at the game vs the last place club and we are not only going to lose but face our first loss at home in a very long time . What kind of shit luck do I have ? Villa are not a squad that gives up , not like they used to ! Zaniolo scores and the crowd goes wild as we all waited for VAR to ruin the moment again . Honestly it sucks for fans at the match . You go nuts celebrating then feel like someone gut punched you if it’s ruled no goal and if it’s ruled a goal you have a more muted celebration? Just stupid , plain and simple . It’s not being used properly at all and is ruining the match experience .

Thankfully we didn’t lose but we didn’t win and it felt like a loss but it wasn’t . Should won , battered them on the pitch . Stats show the game was heavily tilted for Villa but the boring game play of Sheffield really muted the attack . The walk to the train was filled with supporter muttering and moaning and that’s including myself contributing to it all .

Getting on the train is a mess , my phone isn’t working and Kathleen is asking me too many questions about where and how and this and that . I was feeling a bit of anxiety because I had no answers and my cousin wasn’t exactly guiding us away from the grounds . I kinda snapped and then needed to step out of the lineup , tried calling Uber . Didn’t work ! Stood around and watched the train get rammed in . Couple minutes later we went to the train and when it arrived we got on an empty train which was the best decision . Of course when we got back near the hotel I got a message from Sniper saying to go to the Aston Social for post game drinks but my stupid SIM card didn’t help did it :( that would have been best to go there instead of suffering through the packed lines and watching my cousin almost get run over by a car trying to catch a bus as he made a last second decision to hop on .

Got to New Street Station where we saw a guy getting tackled by police and it’s just a zoo here . So many homeless dirt balls drunk and being stupid around here . Not too sure if I rather be on Broad Street where it’s not homeless drunks and more drunk kids then anything . Birmingham seems to have gotten a bit more edgy since I’ve last been here but I still love it . Time for some rest before the next day which is a day out at the Harriers match . I will try writing about that tomorrow .


Kidderminster Harriers


Birmingham - The Return