Oman or Bust

You must be asking yourself if I was just on vacation but to that I would say no . The road trip with Ronnie was almost like work with a lot of driving and planning things on the run . It was a great and very successful trip but ….

Yes ! But I didn’t get to add a flag to my stick bag and I am stuck on 43 countries played in ….. I have tried earlier this year to play in Costa Rica and that was a bust when the rinks refrigeration system stopped working before I flew out so i didn’t even take my gear . Then I drove all the way out to St.Pierre et Miquelon to try getting the flag of France on my bag but the rink wasn’t open yet even though someone there (who I won’t mention) told me to show up in October . No mention of after October 15 but that’s alright as I was treated very well by the federation there and would love to return !

So the plan now is that I play in my 44th country which will be Oman and then the 3rd country this year that has gone bust will be Qatar who are closing the rink during the World Cup . This bad luck this year is a real bummer as the plan is to try getting to 50 countries before I turn 50, and I am not getting any younger . I’m guessing you couldn’t tell eh :)

After Qatar we (myself and Kathleen) will be off to Bahrain where I will be adding another flag hopefully . Lets hope I never have a year full of disappointments like this but at least its better then those pandemic years . Right ?


Fantastic Voyage


Chisasibi stop