Chisasibi stop

Since my last post I have travelled through the Maritime provinces visiting friends and making new ones along the way . Being on the road and moving from town to town almost on a daily basis has taken a bit of a toll on me .

We have now driven over 10,000 km and are just leaving Chisasibi which is in Northern Quebec and is in Cree Nation . This is my first time staying in First Nations and it leaves me wondering why I don’t know more about people of indigenous heritage . I really got some education while here not only about hockey but about culture and some cultural differences. Currently driving to another town within the Cree territory called Waskaganish which I will definitely try to respect and learn more about the people who take care of this land and hopefully get on the ice .

Before I forget I want to thank Roy Neacappo for hooking us up with ice times for both nights I was in Chisasibi . Thank you Chisasibi Recreation Department . Really appreciated getting all the insight from a different perspective. It was an honour meeting you .

I’m trying not to give away too much of the story on this trip so Ronnie Shuker can share the stories in his book he’s writing . Don’t want to make the stories go stale if you know what I mean . We have another 9 days before heading home to repack for the Middle East where I will do my best to write a daily blog in hopes that Stro who is editing my blog can keep up .

Couple nights ago I had a few beers and did a podcast with the guys and I’m hoping the last podcast doesn’t see the light of day as I was just not with it and wanted to get to bed , but knowing these guys they will probably post it anyways . Can’t win ‘em all eh ?

Before I sign off and take the wheel to drive I want to thank Ashley Brown, Bill McGregor, Aaron Doyle, Carl Waters , Jason McAllister , and Adil El Farj for taking care of us on the way . Really hope I didn’t forget anyone because without their help we wouldn’t be where we are now .

I also wanted to thank Motel Le Caribou for one of the worst nights of my life …. I can’t even begin to explain the terror we experienced staying there ! Just picture being in a horror movie in a dead end town (Matagami) at a motel with nothing but violence happening in the next room . As one person told me it must have been 50 shades of grey which I would say more like 50 shades of grey with a lot of black and blue . The screaming , yelling and people bouncing off walls all night will always haunt my dreams . If you’re ever in this area just avoid staying in Matagami and that’s the best advice I can give anyone .

Before I sign off I have to thank Richard Hamel for inviting us over for a beer after hockey last night . Loved your stories of travelling to see your Habs play across the continent . Good luck on your next trip and keep that 5 hole closed !


Oman or Bust


On The Road Again