On The Road Again

As mentioned in my previous blog post that was posted a couple days later ( shaking fist at editor Stro ) most of the things happening I shouldn’t write about since its all gonna be part of a book that Ronnie is writing so ….

Here I am on a boat on the way to Europe from Fortune, Newfoundland . Yes I said that and it is not a typo , the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon are owned by France so I had to show my passport and the local currency is Euros € not dollars .

The local federation are expecting us and our friend Fabrice Guerin will be waiting for us at the other side . Kinda hope his car can fit all our bags .

Its so good to be back on the road again travelling around visiting people and making new friends while playing hockey .

Not sure if everyone saw that I went zip lining with my hockey gear on ? Have to thank North Atlantic Zip Lines https://www.zipthenorthatlantic.com/ . One of my former team mates Robert Carter owns the zip lines and I though why not ask if I can do this ? I’ve tried in Costa Rica and New Zealand but was quickly answered with a no . Thankfully Rob said yes and lucky for us he was in town .

When we arrived we were greeted by Phil and Laura they had some extra staff on board to help drag gear around . Those guys were good kids , they love their job and this company really values their local youth .

It was quite the trek up to the first zip line and I doubt I would have been able to do it without assistance ! I’m getting old c’mon :) we have a bunch of great pics and I hope everyone visits them and does some more crazy things there . This happened a week ago and I’m still smiling when I think about it .

Last but not least I knew one of my work buddies was in a town close by so I went to visit him on their film set . It was a 45 minute drive and I went out there on my own to visit Tom Rightmyer or is it Wrongmyer :) he showed me around set and I had my goalie equipment in the trunk so I put on the gear and got a few pics with him and we had a few laughs with the crew and cast off set . If you didn’t know I work in the film biz , well now you do . Thanks to my job I’m able to take long trips and I earn a good living . I have to admit though that it was more fun visiting set then working on it .

Anyways …. Here I am on this ferry boat and I’m on to the next portion of the road trip .


Chisasibi stop


It’s been a while…